Title: Support Worker
Location: SE21, Dulwich
Nearest Tube/Station: West Dulwich tube station and lots of bus routes
Wage/Salary: £18.00 gross per hour
Driver Essential? Yes, use of automatic care whilst on duty
Essential: Professional hands-on Early Years experience, behaviours which may challenge, enhanced DBS OR happy to obtain one. This role is open to *female only candidates
Desirable: Experience in Speech and Language
Start Date: ASAP
Days & Hours: Two afternoons per week. Essential is Thursday but the family can be flexible on Tuesdays Wednesdays or Fridays. 2.30pm to 6.30pm
Family/Client Pets: Dog
Recruiter: Janet MacLennan janet@snapcare.co.uk
About this client/child:
Charlie 5 years old and lives with his mummy and daddy and a very lovely dog. Charlie is engaging, chatty and a wee bit of a cheeky monkey. His altogether favourite toy is his marble run, he also loves football and being in the garden playing with his dog. Weather permitting Charlie really enjoys going out to the park, but on days when you can’t get out Charlie loves doing puzzles or having lots of cuddles. Charlie has mild dystonic Cerebral Palsy, primarily affecting his speech and language (Dysarthria) and fatigue. He has some respiratory difficulties, so chest infections do occur. He is a wheelchair user and requires supervision when eating.
Overview of role:
You will pick Charlie up from school, ( he’s just started primary). He is fiercely independent so will want to show you how to make his snack; lots of patience is essential. He might then spend some time in his playroom doing activities. Once dinner is finished, it’s bath time then bed. Charlie absolutely adores playing in the bath. Charlie has a therapy team in place so there might also be days when you will implement the programmes set up. The biggest struggle for Charlie is his fatigue. He can switch off quickly from activities due to this so you will have the experience to read his subtle changes in mood; he can start to hit out if he feels very tired or frustrated. Creative distractions will enable him to move through this. There will be occasions however when he just wants to go to bed with his blankie.
Who this job would suit:
The *female support worker will bring good solid experience of supporting a younger child. He has such a loving family you will bring the same positivity and happiness into Charlie’s life.
What’s great about this job:
Charlie will be an absolute pleasure to work with There is fantastic, continuous support from his case manager, multidisciplinary team and his loving and supportive family.
Who is recruiting for this role?
Our client is using our Advertising Package. The client will be carrying out all aspects of the recruitment process and will contact you directly if they would like to progress your application. By applying for this vacancy, you agree to our client having access to your CV. Please see our website for more information.
Please note:
*Where a specific gender is stated as essential, gender is considered to be a genuine occupational requirement in accordance to paragraph 1, of schedule 9 of the Equality Act 2010 for female or male worker to work with our client.
Job Profile